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SEATTLE -- The investment group trying to bring mens professional basketball back to Seattle is remaining focused on the NBA, even if landing a hockey franchise could happen sooner. Charles Barkley Jersey . "No one in our ownership group is interested in being a majority owner in an NHL franchise. Thats been the case since the start," said Chris Hansen, who led the unsuccessful effort last year to purchase the Sacramento Kings and move them to Seattle. "Ive certainly queried our ownership group about this. I think if someone really wanted to it would be easier than bringing in an outside party. "But the most important thing is the passion is just not there for the NHL among our ownership group that is there for basketball. Getting involved in hockey solely because basketball hasnt worked out right now, when its not something your heart is in, would be a disservice to the fans here." Even as rumours continue to circulate about the NHL having interest in Seattle as a market sooner rather than later, Hansen said his job would be to find someone willing to partner with his group and their proposed arena in Seattle. The arena has been approved by both the Seattle City Council and King County Council pending environmental reviews. Hansen said the focus right now is getting those environmental reviews completed -- possibly by the end of the summer -- so that if an NBA franchise becomes available via sale or expansion, Seattle can be at the front of the line ready to go. He has no interest in re-writing the memorandum of understanding reached between all parties so that an NHL franchise could possibly be a primary tenant in a new arena. Hansen has kept a relatively low profile since last spring, when his groups attempts to buy the Kings from the Maloof family and move the team were blocked by the NBA Board of Governors. NBA owners rejected Hansens record $625 million bid and eventually approved the sale to a group of investors led by technology executive Vivek Ranadive for $535 million with plans to keep the franchise in Sacramento. Hansen said there are far fewer conversations with the NBA now than there were at this time a year ago, though he remains confident the NBA will eventually return to Seattle. His investment group has not changed, including former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, and neither has his original timeline of trying to land a team within five years of when the process began. "By the end of that, the NBA will have its new TV contract. Theyll have a few years of the revenue sharing and collective bargaining agreements being in place to understand the profitability of some of the teams that might have been a concern and there are a few franchises that are up for sale and that will probably have been worked out one way or another," Hansen said. "I think theyll be in a better position at some time within the next three years on expansion or possibly something else will come our way." Robert Covington Jersey . The thunderous cheers quickly changed to an appreciative chant: "Ma-son! Ma-son! Ma-son! Headed to New York with new life, Mason sure earned this curtain call. Allen Iverson Jersey . The veteran NFL receiver received his work permit and is in Montreal for the start of the Alouettes rookie camp. Johnson even took in the Montreal Canadiens Game 5 win over the New York Rangers at the Bell Centre Tuesday night. . A day after FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke said three stadiums would not be ready in time for the Dec. 31 deadline, Brazilian officials said they actually plan to deliver all six remaining venues after that date. They claim only three are delayed, with the other three being handed over after the expected date only because of problems accommodating the schedule of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, who wants to be present for the ceremonies.BUFFALO, N.Y. - The Buffalo Sabres are already hosting the NHLs annual pre-draft scouting combine in each of the next two years. Now, theyre getting the 2016 draft.NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman formally announced Buffalos selection at a news conference shortly before the Sabres home game against the Anaheim Ducks on Monday afternoon.Awarding the 2016 NHL draft to Buffalo honours the passion of its fans for our sports and reflects the commitment Terry and Kim Pegula to the Sabres and to Buffalo, Bettman said, referring to the Sabres owners.Bettman said that awarding the draft to Buffalo also builds on the growing buzz taking place in the city after the Pegulas completed their purchase of the NFL Buffalo Bills last week.Theyre great owners, Bettman said. The fact that they have so invested themselves in Buffalo and the Buffalo sports scene is great news for the city.It will mark the third time Buffalo will be home to the leagues annual draft. The Sabres previously hosted the draft in 1991 and 98.The draft is scheduled for June 24 and 25, 2016.Aside from Montreal, which was home to the draft from 1963-84, Buffalo will become the NHLs first market to hold the event more than twice. Next years draft will be held in Sunrise, Florida.The timing of the announcement further boosts Buffalos reputation as a major North American hockey market.In August, the NHL selected Buffalo to host the next to rookie combines, which had previously been exclusively held in suburban Toronto. Buffalo has played host to two of the past three USA Hockey All-American Prospects gamees. Wilt Chamberlain Jersey. Next month, the Pegulas privately financed $172 million two-rink hockey/entertainment complex called HarborCenter is scheduled to open across the street from the Sabres downtown arena.When Terry and Kim came here three-and-a-half years ago, we wanted to transform Buffalo into a premier hockey destination, Sabres president Ted Black said. And I think were at a tipping point. A lot of the heavy lifting has taken place, and its wonderful to see the efforts the Pegula family has made to push it over the goal line.And Black added, Its not over yet.The Sabres have also said they intend to bid for the right to host the 2018 World Junior Hockey championships after previously hosting the event in 2011.Bettman hinted the Sabres could be due an outdoor game, after they successfully hosted the first outdoor regular-season game in the United State at Ralph Wilson Stadium in 2008. He also suggested the Sabres should submit a bid to host an NHL all-star game.The Sabres estimate the draft will create about $9.2 million in economic impact for the city.This announcement is a confirmation of the great vision of Terry and Kim Pegula, who have set out to make Buffalo one of the best places in the world for hockey, from peewee to professional, Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown said.Bettman credited the Terry Pegula for his commitment to Buffalo in owning the Sabres, and now the Bills.My first reaction when I heard that he was interested was the NFL would be lucky have him, Bettman said. Hes a terrific owner and I know how committed he is to Buffalo. 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